作者:管理員    發佈於:2011-06-22 10:35:52    文字:【】【】【


2010視海承風國際教育研討會International Design Education Seminar 

編號                                             題目                                                                                  作者

1 台灣布袋戲女性人物造型之比較研究 ─ 以傳統布袋戲與霹靂布袋戲之旦角為例  王淑惠
2 嘉義地區伴手禮包裝物與地方特色之關聯性研究                                                       江秀英
3 坦培拉繪畫之創作研究                                                                                                   楊佳廣
4 高雄市捷運站公共座椅形式之研究                                                                               王麗君
5 阿里山鄒族文化景觀與觀光產業之特質研究                                                               柯玉娟
6 雙鏤空立體紙雕造型研究 ─ 以文化元素之中國古幻想生物為例                              蔡俊溢
7 田寮鄉文化觀光發展策略之研究                                                                                   包素蜜
8 建構專家知識之玻璃家具系列設計研究以桌子設計創作研究計畫提案                   許伯曲
9 「愛、喜樂、生命」創作系列─盧麗珠玻璃工藝造型創作論述及解析                    盧麗珠
10 夢幻與真實-朱麗惠女性人體彩繪創作論述                                                               朱麗惠
11 以融合性概念探討產品設計樣式之研究                                                                     陳政役




International Chinese Design Education Seminar


編號                                                       題目                                                                                                            作者

1 以專家知識建構玻璃傢具創作研究 ─ 以玻璃桌設計為例                                                                 *許伯曲 薛淞林 吳淑明
Acorrding to Exper Knowledge of Glass Furnishings Design toStudy According to of Glass A Desk Design Case Study                              
2 以實用主義的角度探討漢字造型創作及其意義-已「以漢字相對論」視覺設計作品為例(上)           * 楊允言 吳彥霖
A Pragmatic Point of View for The Creation And Meaning of Chinese Characters Form - Theory of Relativity As An ExampleOf Chinese Characters(Part I)

 3 閒置空間再利用-以高雄市駁二藝術特區為例                                                                                         *楊博鈞 何孟穎
Reuse of Vacant Space -Taking Kaohsiung Pier-2Art Center as anExample
4 工業遺產再利用之探討-以菓葉灰窯為例                                                                                                  *林怡菁 吳淑明
A Study of the Adaptive Reuse of Industrial Heritage-Using Guoye Village Lime Kiln as example
5 維多利亞時期與現代女僕造型及其象徵意義之比較研究                                                                        *陳昶辰 吳彥霖
Victorian and modern form and its symbolic meaning maid comparatine Study

6 探討生活型態轉變影響品牌間之視覺行銷與經營管理關係研究-以7-ELEVEN為例                        *楊博鈞 何孟穎 蘇昊鳴
A Study of How Life Style Change Influences the Relationshipbetween Visual Marketing and Business Management among Brands -Taking 7-Eleven as an Example

7 環境永續的科技概念與文化創意設計之關聯性初探                                                                            陳誌偉 *盧麗珠 *許君榕
The Relevant Correlation of Environmental Biotechnology concepts and Artistic Culture Recreation

( 註:*者為本所研究生)


Internation Dessign Conference 、Workshop & Competition of Creative Industry A New Vision of Asian Culture


編號                                                               題目                                                                      作者

1 傳統灰窯構造之探討-以澎湖砱灰窯與安平蚵灰窯為例                                           * 林怡菁 吳淑明
The Study of the structure of traditional Lime Kiln - A Case study of Coral S
2 傳統工藝-神明衣圖騰分析研究                                                                                    *洪國展 林東龍
Traditional Crafts -the Analysis of Totem Gods Clothing
3 高雄捷運美麗島站內部空間之公共家俱現況研究                                                              王麗君
The Study of Current Interior Equipment for Kaosiung Rapid Transit Corporation (KRTC) Formosa Boulevard Station
4 中外陶磁精品化之策略研究-以西班牙雅致與台灣品家品為例                                    林妙芬
The study on the Higher Quality of the Taiwan Traditional Crafts -Take Chinese and Foreign Pottery and Porcelain for Example
5 增進祖孫代間關係之樂玲學習課程探討                                                                    許雪燕 林漢裕
An Aging People Learning Research for Promoting the Relationship Between Grandparents and Grandchildren

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